Software Installations on Windows
This page contains instructions for installing Anaconda/Bioconda on Windows, Ubuntu on Windows, Mac, a Lawrence account, and Jetstream
Last updated
This page contains instructions for installing Anaconda/Bioconda on Windows, Ubuntu on Windows, Mac, a Lawrence account, and Jetstream
Last updated
Warning: this site is under construction. The information may be incomplete.
To download Anaconda, go to the distribution website:
Scroll down to the download section. Select "Windows", then select "Download".
Follow the installation wizard.
The Users Guide should pop up (this webpage).
To open Anaconda, go to the start menu and expand the Anaconda3 folder.
Select "Anaconda Navigator".
Ubuntu for Windows can be downloaded from the Microsoft store.
Search for "ubuntu".
Select the app.
Click "Get", then "Install".
Search for "Ubuntu" and select the app.
The window will look like this:
First, open Ubuntu for Windows (see above) and check to ensure that conda is not already installed.
If it has been, a file path will show up under the command, if not, the next line will be a prompt.
Download the installer
Run the installer
Run an update:
Then install Anaconda
Close and re-open your Ubuntu command line.
After running the installation of Anaconda on Ubuntu on Windows (see above), add bioconda: