Programming Environment


The Lawrence HPC programming environment has the choice of two compilers: Intel and Gnu 4.8.5 (gcc).


Two options in Lawrence are available for OpenMP: OpenMP Intel and Gnu.

To choose a version of OpenMP, add the version number and "/intel" or "/gcc" to the module command.

# For the OpenMPI module with Gnu:
[ ~]$ module load openmpi-1.6/gcc

############## or ################

#For the OpenMPI module with OpenMP Intel:
[ ~]$ module load openmpi-1.6/intel


MPI's available with Lawrence: open MPI, mpich (ethernet), and mvapich (infinaband), intel impi

[ ~]$ module avail
------------------------------------------- /usr/share/Modules/modulefiles --------------------------------------------
dot         module-git  module-info modules     null        use.own

-------------------------------------------------- /act/modulefiles ---------------------------------------------------
cuda-9.1           intel              mvapich2-2.2/gcc   openmpi-1.6/intel  openmpi-2.0/gcc
gaussian/16        mpich/gcc          mvapich2-2.2/intel openmpi-1.8/gcc    openmpi-2.0/intel
impi               mpich/intel        openmpi-1.6/gcc    openmpi-1.8/intel

To load/unload an MPI module:

############## Load ################
[ ~]$ module load openmpi-2.0/gcc

############# Unload ###############
[ ~]$ module unload openmpi-2.0/gcc

To view the version of MPI in use:

[ ~]$ mpirun --version
[ ~]$ mpirun --version
mpirun (Open MPI) 2.0.1

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